Welcome to the Mumford Art Page! I hope that everyone is having a great time in art class this year, I know I am!  So what should I write about first? Hmmm....we could discuss our snow adventure this week! Yes it's true, on Tuesday last we were shocked with snow in good old Texas and we actually had to end school early because the roads were getting too bad and we had to get home! My students and I enjoyed a brief snow fight in the parking lot and some nice miniature snow men! (Actually they did all the playing, I watched/threatened from a safe distance for them not to hit me!)

Our Asian projects are going extremely well!  They are looking very pretty and I can't wait to see them all tomorrow! If you are reading this and not finished with your projects, GO GET TO WORK!

If any of my readers are not students and wish to see some of the kids' works, many of my students are entering work into the Robertson County Fair.  We have such a vast group of talent and the best part is that half of them didn't even think they had any artistic ability! Oh what a little motivation and instruction can do to a person with a paint brush in hand!  Hope everyone comes out to the fair next month! Well I'm off to sleep, have a good weekend. 

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    Mrs. Stephanie FitzSimon

     I am a first year teacher at Mumford ISD and I teach 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th-12th grade art. I graduated in 2009 with my Bachelors of Science in Theatre and Speech Education, minor in Art Education, from Brigham
     Young  University-Idaho.  I have been married for 6 years to the love of my life and have a beautiful 4 year old daughter.  I love all things artistic, theatre, poetry, movies, and of course...TWILIGHT!


    March 2010
    February 2010

