We got a nice, unexpected surprise this week: A lovely 3 day weekend due to our awesome basketball boys going to their regional game on Friday. It was at noon so we get the day off! I won't be going though since my car is leaking coolant and we have to get it fixed! That and me and my husband actually have a day off so we are taking a family day! But I hope our boys do well!

I think the students are all ready for Spring break, I know I am!  We are on our final cultural assignment this week (Latin American Art) and I think it's going to be cool, but some kids are getting serious attitude and are a little burned out I think. (Yeah, you know who you are!) But I KNOW everyone will be better after spring break! Well I'm off to clean my house and then to bed. Yep, exciting weekend for Mrs. FitzSimon....
3/4/2010 11:45:42 am

Yeah your talking about me && Ariel!! hahaha.

Mrs. FitzSimon
3/7/2010 12:25:54 pm

NOOOO!!! I would NEVER say that about you two little angels!!

3/8/2010 10:26:15 am

Yea righ Mrs FITZ you know you hate us lol bt you know we ADOREEE your class hehe

3/8/2010 10:28:11 am

o yea why did u cut my elephant off thats the only picture i like *TEAR*

Mrs. FitzSimon
3/8/2010 11:36:35 am

I could never hate any of you guys, I'll miss you all a ton once you graduate! And I'm sorry I cut off your elephant, I was just taking lots of pictures really fast. But your excellent fish is on here!

3/9/2010 03:01:32 pm

NOO I hate that fish lol we will miss you too u r a really cool teacher me n julia jus b givin u a hard time lol bt we like you lol


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    Mrs. Stephanie FitzSimon

     I am a first year teacher at Mumford ISD and I teach 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th-12th grade art. I graduated in 2009 with my Bachelors of Science in Theatre and Speech Education, minor in Art Education, from Brigham
     Young  University-Idaho.  I have been married for 6 years to the love of my life and have a beautiful 4 year old daughter.  I love all things artistic, theatre, poetry, movies, and of course...TWILIGHT!


    March 2010
    February 2010

